PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-07-01 NOTE = "Description of the INDEX directory contents for an ODY THEMIS archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END THEMIS INDEX Tables The INDEX directory contains tabular index files, with detached PDS labels, for the 2001 Odyssey THEMIS data sets. There are four types of index files available with the THEMIS data sets: CMIDX_ODTaz - a cumulative index table listing release information about each of the THEMIS data products (AoooooiiiPPP) released to date. This file is only available on pertinent archive volumes, and is equivalent to the "Virtual Volume" INDEX_ODTaz. INDEX_ODTaz - a single index table listing release information about each of THEMIS data products (AoooooiiiPPP) released on this volume. This file will be available on all pertinent volumes. THMIDX_IR - an index table listing general observation information and geometry parameters for each of the THEMIS infrared observations (Ioooooiii) released to date. This file will be included on all volumes. THMIDX_VIS - an index table listing general observation information and geometry parameters for each of the THEMIS visible observations (Voooooiii) released to date. This file will be included on all volumes. where the patterns above are defined as ooooo is the 5-digit mission orbit number when the data was collected, zero padded iii is the 3-digit image sequence number indicating the order that images were collected within a given orbit PPP is a three letter description of the processing level of the data products; [ ABR = visible apparent brightness record; BTR = infrared brightness temperature record; EDR = raw data; RDR = radiometrically calibrated data ]. A/a is the one letter description of the camera type [ I = infrared camera; V = visible camera ] z is the one letter description of the product type [ B = BTR or ABR; D = DCS; E = EDR; G = GEO; P = PBT; R = RDR ] For each unique observation (Aoooooiii), there is one record in either the THMIDX_IR or THMIDX_VIS index table, as appropriate. Information in this record describes attributes of all the data product types (AoooooiiiPPP) released to date for the observation. Additionally, there is one unique record for each data product (AoooooiiiPPP) in the appropriate INDEX_ODTaz index table. For example, the THEMIS data sets contain the data products I0081601EDR.QUB, I0081601RDR.QUB, I0081601BTR.IMG, I00816001SNU.CUB.gz, I00816001PBT.IMG, and I00816001DCS.png; a search on OBSERVATION_ID = "I00816001" (see column_number 1 in any label file) of all the index tables returns one record from each of the following index tables: THMIDX_IR, INDEX_ODTIB, INDEX_ODTID, INDEX_ODTIE, INDEX_ODTIG, INDEX_ODTIP, and INDEX_ODTIR. THEMIS index tables can be easily ingested into many database programs. For the THMIDX_IR, THMIDX_VIS, and INDEX_ODTaG tables, use the OBSERVATION_ID column as the primary key. All the remaining INDEX_ODTaz indexes can be combined into a single table if both the OBSERVATION_ID and PRODUCT_TYPE column are set as primary keys. INDEX Directory Contents One or more of the following files may be found in this INDEX directory. CMIDX_ODTIG.LBL - PDS label describing CMIDX_ODTIG.TAB. CMIDX_ODTIG.TAB - Cumulative index table listing release information for all the IR-GEO data products released to date. CMIDX_ODTIP.LBL - PDS label describing CMIDX_ODTIP.TAB. CMIDX_ODTIP.TAB - Cumulative index table listing release information for all the IR-PBT data products released to date. CMIDX_ODTVG.LBL - PDS label describing CMIDX_ODTVG.TAB. CMIDX_ODTVG.TAB - Cumulative index table listing release information for all the VIS-GEO data products released to date. INDEX_IRDCS.LBL - PDS label describing INDEX_IRDCS.TAB. INDEX_IRDCS.TAB - Index table listing release information for the IR-DCS data products on this volume. INDEX_ODTIG.LBL - PDS label describing INDEX_ODTIG.TAB. INDEX_ODTIG.TAB - Index table listing release information for the IR-GEO data products on this volume. INDEX_ODTIP.LBL - PDS label describing INDEX_ODTIP.TAB. INDEX_ODTIP.TAB - Index table listing release information for the IR-PBT data products on this volume. INDEX_ODTVG.LBL - PDS label describing INDEX_ODTVG.TAB. INDEX_ODTVG.TAB - Index table listing release information for the VIS-GEO data products on this volume. THMIDX_IR.LBL - PDS label describing THMIDX_IR.TAB. THMIDX_IR.TAB - Index table listing general observation information and geometric parameters for all available IR observations. THMIDX_VIS.LBL - PDS label describing THMIDX_VIS.TAB. THMIDX_VIS.TAB - Index table listing general observation information and geometric parameters for all available VIS observations. PDS Standard Format for Indexes The tables are stored in ASCII format so that they can be opened as normal text files on any computer; additionally, they are formatted so that they can be read directly into many data management systems. The detached PDS label for each table describes this format, as well as the content and structure of each column (field) in the index table. Column object entries include the field name, the data format, the start byte and byte size, a a brief description, and other "keyword = value" information. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Note that the values for start byte and number of bytes listed in the label do not include commas between fields nor quotation marks surrounding character fields. Character fields are left justified; numeric fields are right justified. Each record ends with both an ASCII carriage return and a line feed character. The PDS Data Standards Reference defines the INDEX_TABLE as a specialized TABLE object. The INDEX_ODTaz and CMIDX_ODTaz index tables follow this specialized format, however, they are simply identified as TABLE objects in their labels.