PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 /* File Identification and Structure */ RECORD_TYPE = "FIXED_LENGTH" RECORD_BYTES = 512 FILE_RECORDS = 15672 /* Pointers to Data Objects */ ^HISTORY = 4142 ^HEADER = ("V18722002LOC.CUB") ^QUBE = ("V18722002LOC.CUB", 59 ) /* Identification Data Elements */ MISSION_NAME = "2001 MARS ODYSSEY" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "2001 MARS ODYSSEY" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "THERMAL EMISSION IMAGING SYSTEM" INSTRUMENT_ID = "THEMIS" DETECTOR_ID = "VIS" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "EXTENDED-1" TARGET_NAME = "MARS" PRODUCT_ID = "V18722002LOC" PRODUCER_ID = "ODY_THM_TEAM" DATA_SET_ID = "ODY-M-THM-5-VISGEO-V1.0" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-05-30T15:43:20 PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "1.0" SOURCE_PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "1.0" RELEASE_ID = "0017" START_TIME = 2006-03-04T20:20:43.280 STOP_TIME = 2006-03-04T20:21:00.377 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "825971099.026" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "825971116.051" START_TIME_ET = 194775707.465 STOP_TIME_ET = 194775724.563 ORBIT_NUMBER = 18722 /* History Object Structure */ OBJECT = HISTORY BYTES = 6349 HISTORY_TYPE = CUSTOM INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII END_OBJECT = HISTORY OBJECT = QUBE /* QUBE Structure */ AXES = 3 AXIS_NAME = (SAMPLE, LINE, BAND) /* Core Description */ CORE_ITEMS = (1367,2924,1) CORE_NAME = "CALIBRATED_SPECTRAL_RADIANCE" CORE_ITEM_BYTES = 2 CORE_ITEM_TYPE = LSB_INTEGER CORE_BASE = 2.217888e-03 CORE_MULTIPLIER = 5.759577e-08 CORE_UNIT = "WATT*CM**-2*SR**-1*UM**-1" CORE_NULL = -32768 CORE_VALID_MINIMUM = -32752 CORE_LOW_INSTR_SATURATION = -32766 CORE_LOW_REPR_SATURATION = -32767 CORE_HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION = -32765 CORE_HIGH_REPR_SATURATION = -32764 /* Observation Parameters */ FLIGHT_SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = "1.00" COMMAND_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 18722 IMAGE_ID = 2 DESCRIPTION = "No Description Given" INST_CMPRS_RATIO = 1.95 UNCORRECTED_SCLK_START_COUNT = "825971100.230" IMAGE_DURATION = 17.100 INST_CMPRS_NAME = "PREDICTIVE" FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE = -2.61 EXPOSURE_DURATION = 7.400 INTERFRAME_DELAY = 0.900 SPATIAL_SUMMING = 1 MD5_CHECKSUM = "32156e58010243ac0ce65996e931667c" /* Band Bins */ GROUP = BAND_BIN BAND_BIN_FILTER_NUMBER = (3) BAND_BIN_BAND_NUMBER = (3) BAND_BIN_CENTER = (0.65) BAND_BIN_WIDTH = (0.05) BAND_BIN_UNIT = "MICROMETER" END_GROUP = BAND_BIN END_OBJECT = QUBE END GROUP = SFDU2CUBE DATE_TIME = 2006-05-16T23:30:27 SOFTWARE_DESC = "Translation of data format from SFDU into raw image qube(THM-EDR). Removes SFDU headers and unpackages data; returns an individual spectral image QUBE (THM-EDR) containing raw DN, with missing data CORE_NULL filled and an attched PDS label" VERSION_ID = 1.67 USER_NAME = "murray@c144" USER_NOTE = "" GROUP = PARAMETERS START_SFDU_ID = "826001679" STOP_SFDU_ID = "826002046" ERT_START_TIME = "2006-064 // 05:13:04" ERT_STOP_TIME = "2006-064 // 05:20:55" MISSING_PACKETS = 0 FOUND_PACKETS = 875 END_GROUP = PARAMETERS END_GROUP = SFDU2CUBE GROUP = CAL_VIS_IMAGE DATE_TIME = 2006-05-17T16:52:39 SOFTWARE_DESC = "Calibration of a raw, visible image (VISEDR). Calibration includes 8-bit to 11-bit decoding, removal of instrumental effects, and conversion to spectral radiance (W cm-2 str-1 micron-1). The instrumental effects considered are detector bias, register stray light, photosite stray light, and variations in pixel sensitivity (i.e., 'flatfield' effects). Spectral radiance is calculated from the exposure time and from the decoded, instrumentally corrected DN levels of the raw image, using conversion factors (BAND_BIN_SENSITIVITY) derived from pre-flight tests. For additional details, see CALIB/PROCESS.PDF." VERSION_ID = 4.10 USER_NAME = "murray@c144" USER_NOTE = "" GROUP = PARAMETERS BIAS_FILE = "/themis/calib/vis/data/zeroframe1_bias.fits" BIAS_FILE_DATE = 2006-02-14T18:12:06 DESMEAR_FILE = "/themis/calib/vis/data/zeroframe1_zero.fits" DESMEAR_FILE_DATE = 2006-02-14T18:12:09 FLATFIELD_FILE = " /themis/calib/vis/data/flat_framesm2.prof1.fits" FLATFIELD_FILE_DATE = 2006-02-14T18:12:03 STRAY_LIGHT_FILE = " /themis/calib/vis/data/destray12_frame1_v1.fits" STRAY_LIGHT_FILE_DATE = 2006-02-14T18:12:03 STRAY_LIGHT_REMOVAL_VERSION = 8 BAND_BIN_MODEL_COEFF = (1.3351E-05) BAND_BIN_MODEL_COEFF_UNITS = " (WATT*CM**-2*SR**-1*UM**-1)/(DN*MSEC**-1)" BAND_BIN_SMEAR_COEFF = 55000. BAND_BIN_SMEAR_COEFF_UNITS = "DN/(WATT*CM**-2*SR**-1*UM**-1)" BAND_BIN_STRAY_LIGHT_SENSITIVITY = (3000.) BAND_BIN_SENSITIVITY = (56050.) BAND_BIN_SENSITIVITY_UNITS = "(DN*MSEC**-1) per (WATT*CMM**-2*SR**-1*UM**-1)" END_GROUP = PARAMETERS END_GROUP = CAL_VIS_IMAGE GROUP = ASU_PROCESS_COFF DATE_TIME = 2006-05-30T15:43:20 SOFTWARE_DESC = "The radiance values of this THEMIS VIS-RDR QUBE were modified before geometric projection. This is a cosmetic correction which removes an optimized flat-field from each framelet in the image. The process maintains the overall radiance level of each framelet at the expense of significantly modifying the source VIS-RDR radiance values." VERSION_ID = 2005.10 USER_NAME = "amaldo@c138" USER_NOTE = "" GROUP = PARAMETERS FLATFIELD_FILE = "/themis/data/flat_framesm2.prof1.fits" FLATFIELD_FILE_DATE = 2005-10-22T18:21:00 END_GROUP = PARAMETERS END_GROUP = ASU_PROCESS_COFF GROUP = ISIS_PROJECTION DATE_TIME = 2006-05-30T15:43:20 SOFTWARE_DESC = "ISIS geometric projection of a THEMIS QUBE. Process includes translation of file formats (PDS2ISIS and LEVINIT); determining the valid core data range (DSK2DSK); geometric transformation of image planes (GEOM); and merging the individual bands back together (MOSAIC and CUBEIT). See header of resulting ISIS cube for more details of projection. The ISIS_COMMAND parameter may also include additional processing steps that are described in other HISTORY groups in this label." VERSION_ID = "2.1.3_2004-10-22T17:28:07-7" USER_NAME = "amaldo@c138" USER_NOTE = "" GROUP = PARAMETERS GEOMETRY_SOURCE_DESC = "Reconstructed" ISIS_COMMAND = "feather.dv REPAIR/V18722002RDR \ SINU:20,OCENTRIC 0.018 -- 360 skip=0" PDS2ISIS_VERSION = " 2004-05-28" GEOM_VERSION = "2004-06-17" MOSAIC_VERSION = " 2003-10-27" LONGITUDE_SYSTEM = 360 MINIMUM_LATITUDE = -5.0338650 MAXIMUM_LATITUDE = -4.1460338 CENTER_LONGITUDE = 20.0000000 WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 20.4918518 EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE = 20.9074402 MAP_RESOLUTION = 3293.0387513 MAP_SCALE = 0.0180000 MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE = "SINUSOIDAL" PROJECTION_LATITUDE_TYPE = "PLANETOCENTRIC" LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = 13653.500000 SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = 1613.500000 END_GROUP = PARAMETERS END_GROUP = ISIS_PROJECTION GROUP = ASU_PROCESS_FEATHER DATE_TIME = 2006-05-30T15:43:20 SOFTWARE_DESC = "The Feather filter was applied during the geometric projection of this THEMIS VIS-RDR QUBE. This cosmetic filter blends the data in the overlapping lines between framelets, and, if necessary, ramps brightness differences back towards the start of the framelet. All values in the resulting cube may have been significantly modified from the source VIS-RDR values." VERSION_ID = 2005.07 USER_NAME = "amaldo@c138" USER_NOTE = "" END_GROUP = ASU_PROCESS_FEATHER END