PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-08-08 NOTE = "Description of the SOFTWARE directory contents for a MGS TES-TSDR archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END SOFTWARE Directory Contents The SOFTWARE directory contains software files for using the data on the TES-TSDR archive volume. The files and subdirectories listed below are found in this directory. SOFTINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. BIN - Subdirectory containing binary versions of the software. DOC - Subdirectory containing documentation about the software. SRC - Subdirectory containing source code for the software. Notes on Getting Started ------------------------ The TES data available on this volume is most easily manipulated with the Vanilla software included in the above subdirectories. SOFTWARE/BIN/BININFO.TXT lists the variety of systems for which compiled binary executables are available; instructions for executing the binary are also given in SOFTWARE/BIN/BININFO.TXT. If your system is not supported, the source codes for compiling your own version of Vanilla are available in SOFTWARE/SRC/; compiling instructions are given in SOFTWARE/SRC/SRCINFO.TXT. In the case that you are unsure if one of the SOFTWARE/BIN/ executables will actually work with your system, we suggest that you first attempt to run the executable before plowing through the source code; you may be pleasantly surprised.