static char rcsver[] = "$Id: header.c,v 1.12 2004/05/25 20:32:02 saadat Exp $"; /** ** $Source: /tes/cvs/vanilla/header.c,v $ ** ** $Log: header.c,v $ ** Revision 1.12 2004/05/25 20:32:02 saadat ** When opening a fragment with detached label with explicit filename in ** ^TABLE, vanilla is case-sensitive. I've added an crude method to match ** the case with the ".lbl" file. This should work for most of the cases. ** ** If the START and STOP key-values belong to a character/string ** key-field, any enclosing double-quotes are removed from these ** key-values. ** ** When table name is enclosed in quotes within table fragments, vanilla ** choked on the "tbl.fld_name" construction in the "-fields" and ** "-select". ** ** Fixed unnecessary LoadTable for blank lines in the DATASET. ** ** Revision 1.11 2002/06/12 00:50:53 saadat ** vanilla can now correctly read TABLE data from a multi-object PDS label. ** Restrictions of a single TABLE object still remain enforced though. ** ** Revision 1.10 2002/06/07 01:03:20 saadat ** Added restricted support for unkeyed tables. Only one such table per ** DATASET is allowed. Necessary checks to disable options that don't or ** will not work with such tables have yet to be put in. ** ** Revision 1.9 2002/06/06 02:20:13 saadat ** Added support for detached label data files. ** ** Revision 1.1 2002/06/04 04:57:45 saadat ** Initial revision ** ** Revision 1.8 2000/07/26 01:18:47 gorelick ** Added type for PC_REAL ** Removed some #if 0 code ** ** Revision 1.7 2000/07/26 00:26:47 saadat ** Added preliminary code to create/use indices for searching. ** ** Fragment record access mechanism has also been changed ** from a simple pointer to a record-handle structure. ** ** Revision 1.6 2000/07/18 01:11:28 gorelick ** Added support for LSB_INTEGER ** ** Revision 1.5 2000/06/05 17:14:50 asbms ** Removed check for VANILLA keyword ** ** Revision 1.4 2000/05/26 15:04:52 asbms ** Added fixes for smoother return from errors ** ** Revision 1.3 2000/05/25 02:24:26 saadat ** Fixed IRTM temperature generation. ** ** Revision 1.2 1999/11/19 21:19:46 gorelick ** Version 3.1, post PDS delivery of 3.0 ** ** Revision 1999/10/15 19:30:35 gorelick ** Version 3.0 ** ** ** Revision 1.4 1998/11/12 22:58:55 gorelick ** first release version ** **/ #include #include "header.h" #include "proto.h" #include "io_lablib3.h" #ifdef _WINDOWS #include "system.h" #else #include #endif /* _WINDOWS */ #define GetKey(ob, name) OdlFindKwd(ob, name, NULL, 0, ODL_THIS_OBJECT) FIELD *MakeField(OBJDESC *, LABEL *); int DetermineFieldType(char *type, int size); IFORMAT eformat_to_iformat(EFORMAT e); void MakeBitFields(OBJDESC *col, FIELD *f, LIST *list); FIELD * MakeBitField(OBJDESC *col, FIELD *f); EFORMAT ConvertType(char *type); void guess_filename_case(char *tgt, char *src); static void unquote(char *s) { int n; if (s[0] == '\"'){ strcpy(s, &s[1]); } n = strlen(s); if (s[n-1] == '\"'){ s[n-1] = '\0'; } } /** ** LoadLabel() - Read and decode a PDS label, including individual fields. **/ LABEL * LoadLabel(char *fname) { OBJDESC *ob, *tbl, *col; KEYWORD *kw; FIELD *f; LIST *list; LABEL *l; int i; ushort scope; int reclen, nfields, freclen; char *name, *alias = NULL; char *Id; ob = OdlParseLabelFile(fname, NULL, ODL_EXPAND_STRUCTURE, 1); if (ob == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read file: %s\n", fname); return (NULL); } /* Get the top-level record-length from the PDS label */ freclen = 0; if ((kw = OdlFindKwd(ob,"RECORD_BYTES",NULL,0,ODL_TO_END)) != NULL){ freclen = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); } /* find the first (and only?) table object */ if ((tbl = OdlFindObjDesc(ob,"TABLE",NULL,NULL, 0, ODL_TO_END)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find TABLE object: %s\n", fname); fprintf(stderr, "Is this a vanilla file?\n"); return (NULL); } /* Get the table-object level record-length from the PDS label */ if ((kw = OdlFindKwd(tbl, "ROW_BYTES", NULL,0, ODL_THIS_OBJECT)) != NULL) { reclen = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); if (freclen <= 0){ freclen = reclen; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find keyword: ROW_BYTES: %s\n", fname); fprintf(stderr, "Is this a vanilla file? Is it's ^STRUCTURE file ok?\n"); return (NULL); } if ((kw = OdlFindKwd(tbl, "COLUMNS", NULL, 0, ODL_THIS_OBJECT)) != NULL) { nfields = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find keyword: COLUMNS\n"); return (NULL); } if ((kw = OdlFindKwd(tbl, "NAME", NULL, 0, ODL_THIS_OBJECT)) != NULL) { name = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); unquote(name); } l = calloc(1, sizeof(LABEL)); l->freclen = freclen; l->reclen = reclen; l->nfields = nfields; l->name = name; /** ** get all the column descriptions **/ list = new_list(); i = 0; scope = ODL_CHILDREN_ONLY; col = tbl ; while ((col = OdlNextObjDesc(col, 0, &scope)) != NULL) { if ((f = MakeField(col, l)) != NULL) { list_add(list, f); i++; /** ** Fake up some additional fields for bit columns. **/ if (f->eformat == MSB_BIT_FIELD || f->eformat == LSB_BIT_FIELD) { MakeBitFields(col, f, list); } } } if (i != nfields) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong number of column definitions. Expected %d, got %d.\n", nfields,i); } l->fields = list; /** ** Get list of key fields **/ if ((kw = GetKey(tbl, "PRIMARY_KEYS")) != NULL || (kw = GetKey(tbl, "PRIMARY_KEY")) != NULL || (kw = GetKey(tbl, "KEYS")) != NULL) { int j; LIST *keylist; FIELD *f; char keyname[256]; char **array; i = OdlGetAllKwdValuesArray(kw, &array); keylist = new_list(); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { strcpy(keyname, &array[j][1]); keyname[strlen(keyname) - 1] = 0; if ((f = FindFieldInLabel(keyname, l)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find key: \"%s\" in label \"%s\"\n", keyname, l->name); return(NULL); } list_add(keylist, f); } l->keys = keylist; } else { /** ** Use blank list as a filler. Hopefully less things will ** break in the later code. **/ l->keys = new_list(); } return (l); } /** ** Convert a field description into a FIELD struct **/ FIELD * MakeField(OBJDESC *col, LABEL *l) { FIELD *f; VARDATA *vardata; KEYWORD *kw; int i = 0; char *ptr; do { f = (FIELD *) calloc(1, sizeof(FIELD)); f->label = l; if ((kw = GetKey(col, "NAME")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Column %d has no name.\n", i); break; } f->name = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); f->alias = NULL; if ((kw = GetKey(col, "ALIAS_NAME")) != NULL) { f->alias = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); } if ((kw = GetKey(col, "START_BYTE")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Column %s: START_BYTE not specified.\n", f->name); break; } f->start = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)) - 1; if ((kw = GetKey(col, "BYTES")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Column %s: BYTES not specified.\n", f->name); break; } f->size = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); if ((kw = GetKey(col, "ITEMS")) != NULL) { f->dimension = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); /** ** If BYTES was specified, this will overwrite the value ** with the indivdual element size, as we expect. **/ if ((kw = GetKey(col, "ITEM_BYTES")) != NULL) { f->size = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Column %s: ITEM_BYTES not specified, dividing BYTES by ITEMS.\n", f->name); f->size = f->size / f->dimension; } } if ((kw = GetKey(col, "DATA_TYPE")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Column %s: DATA_TYPE not specified.\n", f->name); break; } f->type = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); if ((f->eformat = ConvertType(f->type)) == INVALID_EFORMAT) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized type: %s, %s %d bytes\n", f->name, f->type, f->size); break; } f->iformat = eformat_to_iformat(f->eformat); if ((kw = GetKey(col, "SCALING_FACTOR")) != NULL) { f->scale = atof(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); } if ((kw = GetKey(col, "OFFSET")) != NULL) { f->offset = atof(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); } if ((kw = GetKey(col, "VAR_RECORD_TYPE")) != NULL) { ptr = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); vardata = f->vardata = calloc(1, sizeof(VARDATA)); if (!strcmp(ptr, "VAX_VARIABLE_LENGTH")) vardata->type = VAX_VAR; else if (!strcmp(ptr, "Q15")) vardata->type = Q15; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized VAR_DATA_TYPE: %s\n", ptr); } if ((kw = GetKey(col, "VAR_ITEM_BYTES")) != NULL) { vardata->size = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); if ((kw = GetKey(col, "VAR_DATA_TYPE")) != NULL) { ptr = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); } else { fprintf(stderr, "VAR_DATA_TYPE not specified for field: %s\n", f->name); exit(1); } if ((vardata->eformat = ConvertType(ptr)) == INVALID_EFORMAT) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized vartype: %s, %s %d bytes\n", f->name, ptr, vardata->size); } vardata->iformat = eformat_to_iformat(vardata->eformat); } else { fprintf(stderr, "VAR_ITEM_BYTES not specified for field: %s\n", f->name); exit(1); } } if (f->eformat == BYTE_OFFSET) { f->eformat = MSB_INTEGER; f->iformat = eformat_to_iformat(f->eformat); vardata = f->vardata = calloc(1, sizeof(VARDATA)); vardata->size = 2; vardata->eformat = MSB_INTEGER; vardata->iformat = INT; vardata->type = Q15; } return(f); } while(0); return(NULL); } void MakeBitFields(OBJDESC *col, FIELD *f, LIST *list) { ushort scope; FIELD *b; scope = ODL_CHILDREN_ONLY; while ((col = OdlNextObjDesc(col, 0, &scope)) != NULL) { if ((b = MakeBitField(col, f)) != NULL) { list_add(list, b); } } } FIELD * MakeBitField(OBJDESC *col, FIELD *f) { FIELD *f2; KEYWORD *kw; BITFIELD *b; char name[256], *ptr; int i = 1; /** ** Do this once, and allow for breaks **/ do { f2 = (FIELD *) calloc(1, sizeof(FIELD)); *f2 = *f; b = (BITFIELD *) calloc(1, sizeof(BITFIELD)); f2->bitfield = b; if ((kw = GetKey(col, "NAME")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Bitfield %d has no name.\n", i); break; } sprintf(name, "%s:%s", f->name, OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); f2->name = strdup(name); if ((kw = GetKey(col, "ALIAS_NAME")) != NULL) { sprintf(name, "%s:%s", f->name, OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); f2->alias = strdup(name); } if ((kw = GetKey(col, "BIT_DATA_TYPE")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Bitfield %s has no data type.\n", f2->name); break; } ptr = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); b->type = ConvertType(ptr); /* b->type contains the EFORMAT */ f2->iformat = eformat_to_iformat(b->type); /* Saadat - I think! */ if ((kw = GetKey(col, "START_BIT")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Bitfield %s has no start bit.\n", f2->name); break; } b->start_bit = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); if ((kw = GetKey(col, "BITS")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Bitfield %s has no BITS value.\n", f2->name); break; } b->bits = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); b->shifts = (f->size * 8) - b->start_bit - b->bits + 1; /* b->mask = (1 << b->bits) - 1; -- fails for bits=32 */ b->mask = UINT_MAX; b->mask >>= -(b->bits - 32); return(f2); } while (0); return(NULL); } IFORMAT eformat_to_iformat(EFORMAT e) { switch(e) { case LSB_INTEGER: case MSB_INTEGER: case ASCII_INTEGER: return(INT); case MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER: case LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER: case MSB_BIT_FIELD: case LSB_BIT_FIELD: case BYTE_OFFSET: return(UINT); case IEEE_REAL: case PC_REAL: case ASCII_REAL: return ( REAL ); case CHARACTER: return ( STRING ); default: fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized etype: %d\n", e); } return INVALID_IFORMAT; } EFORMAT ConvertType(char *type) { if (!strcasecmp(type, "MSB_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "SUN_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "MAC_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "INTEGER")) { return(MSB_INTEGER); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "SUN_UNSIGNED_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "MAC_UNSIGNED_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "UNSIGNED_INTEGER")) { return(MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "IEEE_REAL") || !strcasecmp(type, "SUN_REAL") || !strcasecmp(type, "MAC_REAL") || !strcasecmp(type, "REAL")) { return(IEEE_REAL); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "PC_REAL")) { return(PC_REAL); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "CHARACTER")) { return(CHARACTER); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "ASCII_INTEGER")) { return(ASCII_INTEGER); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "ASCII_REAL")) { return(ASCII_REAL); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "BYTE_OFFSET")) { return(BYTE_OFFSET); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "MSB_BIT_STRING")) { return(MSB_BIT_FIELD); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "LSB_BIT_STRING")) { return(LSB_BIT_FIELD); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "LSB_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "PC_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "VAX_INTEGER")) { return(LSB_INTEGER); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "PC_UNSIGNED_INTEGER") || !strcasecmp(type, "VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER")) { return(LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER); } return(INVALID_EFORMAT); } /** ** Given a field name, locate it in the list of labels. **/ FIELD * FindField(char *name, LIST *tables) { char buf[256]; char *p; char *field_name; char *label_name; int i; TABLE *t; LABEL *l; FIELD *f; strcpy(buf, name); if ((p = strchr(buf, '.')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; label_name = buf; field_name = p + 1; } else { label_name = NULL; field_name = buf; } /** ** If this field name includes a dimension, get rid of it **/ if ((p = strchr(field_name, '[')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } for (i = 0; i < tables->number; i++) { t = (tables->ptr)[i]; l = t->label; /* ** If the user told us what struct the field is in, skip all others */ if (label_name && strcasecmp(label_name, l->name)) continue; if ((f = FindFieldInLabel(field_name, l)) != NULL) { return(f); } } return (NULL); } FIELD * FindFieldInLabel(char *name, LABEL * l) { int i; FIELD **f = (FIELD **) l->fields->ptr; int nfields = l->fields->number; for (i = 0; i < nfields; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(name, f[i]->name)) { return (f[i]); } if (f[i]->alias && !strcasecmp(name, f[i]->alias)) { return (f[i]); } } return (NULL); } /** ** Load the header values specific to an individual file **/ FRAGHEAD * LoadFragHead(char *fname, TABLE *table) { OBJDESC *ob, *tbl, *col; KEYWORD *kw; LIST *startlist=NULL, *endlist=NULL; FRAGHEAD *f; int rows; unsigned long offset; unsigned short offset_units; char *offset_in_file = NULL; struct stat sbuf; char *p; const char *exts2tst[] = {"dat","DAT","tab","TAB"}; int i, n; char *tname; /* temporary name buffer */ int fnrows; /* number of records in the file/top-level PDS description */ if (stat(fname, &sbuf) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find file: %s\n", fname); return(NULL); } ob = OdlParseLabelFile(fname, NULL, ODL_EXPAND_STRUCTURE, 1); if (ob == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read file: %s\n", fname); return (NULL); } /* ** Get the file/top-level record count from the PDS label. ** This includes the label-records, as per the PDS specs. **/ fnrows = 0; if ((kw = OdlFindKwd(ob,"FILE_RECORDS",NULL,0,ODL_TO_END)) != NULL){ fnrows = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); } if ((kw = OdlFindKwd(ob, "^TABLE", NULL, 0, ODL_THIS_OBJECT)) != NULL) { offset_in_file = OdlGetFileName(kw, &offset, &offset_units); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find table pointer (^TABLE) in: %s\n", fname); return (NULL); } /* find the first (and only?) table object */ if ((tbl = OdlFindObjDesc(ob, "TABLE", NULL, NULL, 0, ODL_TO_END)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find TABLE object: %s\n", fname); return (NULL); } if ((kw = OdlFindKwd(tbl, "ROWS", NULL,0, ODL_THIS_OBJECT)) != NULL) { rows = atoi(OdlGetKwdValue(kw)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find keyword ROWS: %s\n", fname); return (NULL); } if ((kw = GetKey(tbl, "START_KEYS")) != NULL || (kw = GetKey(tbl, "START_PRIMARY_KEY")) != NULL) { int i,j; char **array; DATA *dataval; FIELD **keys = (FIELD **)table->label->keys->ptr; i = OdlGetAllKwdValuesArray(kw, &array); startlist = new_list(); dataval = calloc(i, sizeof(DATA)); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (keys[j]->eformat == CHARACTER){ unquote(array[j]); } dataval[j] = ConvertASCIItoData(array[j], keys[j]->iformat); list_add(startlist, &dataval[j]); } } else if ((kw = GetKey(tbl, "START_KEY")) != NULL) { DATA *dataval; FIELD **keys = (FIELD **)table->label->keys->ptr; char *v; startlist = new_list(); dataval = calloc(1, sizeof(DATA)); v = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); if (keys[0]->eformat == CHARACTER){ unquote(v); } dataval[0] = ConvertASCIItoData(v, keys[0]->iformat); list_add(startlist, &dataval[0]); } if ((kw = GetKey(tbl, "END_KEYS")) != NULL || (kw = GetKey(tbl, "STOP_PRIMARY_KEY")) != NULL) { int i,j; char **array; DATA *dataval; FIELD **keys = (FIELD **)table->label->keys->ptr; i = OdlGetAllKwdValuesArray(kw, &array); endlist = new_list(); dataval = calloc(i, sizeof(DATA)); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (keys[j]->eformat == CHARACTER){ unquote(array[j]); } dataval[j] = ConvertASCIItoData(array[j], keys[j]->iformat); list_add(endlist, &dataval[j]); } } else if ((kw = GetKey(tbl, "STOP_KEY")) != NULL) { DATA *dataval; FIELD **keys = (FIELD **)table->label->keys->ptr; char *v; endlist = new_list(); dataval = calloc(1, sizeof(DATA)); v = OdlGetKwdValue(kw); if (keys[0]->eformat == CHARACTER){ unquote(v); } dataval[0] = ConvertASCIItoData(v, keys[0]->iformat); list_add(endlist, &dataval[0]); } f = calloc(1, sizeof(FRAGHEAD)); /** ** This is the all important ^PTR conversion **/ switch(offset_units){ case ODL_RECORD_LOCATION: f->offset = (offset - 1) * table->label->freclen; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported ^TABLE offset units. Assuming bytes.\n"); case ODL_BYTE_LOCATION: f->offset = (offset - 1); break; } /** ** NOTE: If the "offset_in_file" value (i.e. the file containing the data) ** is the same as the label file that we are currently parsing and the ** the current file happens to be a detached label (i.e. a ".lbl" file) ** then, we assume that there is a corresponding ".dat" file containing ** the data and the user just did not specify it in the label. **/ if (strcasecmp(offset_in_file, fname) == 0) { if ((p = strrchr(offset_in_file, '.')) && (strcasecmp(++p, "lbl") == 0)){ /** ** Case 1: detached label ".dat" file with implicit ** ".dat" file name derived from the ".lbl" file. **/ n = (sizeof(exts2tst)/sizeof(char *)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ strcpy(p, exts2tst[i]); if (stat(offset_in_file, &sbuf) == 0){ break; } #if DEBUG else { perror(offset_in_file); } #endif /* DEBUG */ } if (i >= n){ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find \".dat\" file " "associated with %s.\n", fname); return NULL; } } else { /** ** Case 2: attached label ".dat" file. **/ if (stat(offset_in_file, &sbuf) < 0){ perror(offset_in_file); return NULL; } } } else { /** ** Case 3: detached label ".dat" with explicit ".dat" file. **/ if (strcmp(basename(offset_in_file), offset_in_file) == 0){ /** ** If all we have is just the file name, we must add ** the path of the ".lbl" file to it. This is as per the ** PDS standard. **/ tname = (char *)calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(offset_in_file)+ strlen(fname)+2); /* roughly */ strncpy(tname,fname,(long)basename(fname)-(long)fname); strcat(tname,offset_in_file); free(offset_in_file); offset_in_file = tname; } if (stat(offset_in_file, &sbuf) < 0){ /* give it another shot by matching case: this may not be PDS compliant */ guess_filename_case(offset_in_file, fname); if (stat(offset_in_file, &sbuf) < 0){ perror(offset_in_file); return NULL; } } } f->offset_in_file = offset_in_file; f->nrows = rows; f->fnrows = fnrows; f->start_keys = startlist; f->end_keys = endlist; f->sbuf = sbuf; if(f->offset < 0 || f->offset > sbuf.st_size){ fprintf(stderr, "Table data start offset %d lies outside file %s.\n", f->offset, f->offset_in_file); return NULL; } if ((f->fnrows > 0 && sbuf.st_size != (f->fnrows * table->label->freclen)) || (f->fnrows <= 0 && (f->offset + table->label->reclen * f->nrows) != sbuf.st_size)){ fprintf(stderr, "Warning! File is an odd size: %s\n", f->offset_in_file); } return(f); } /** ** Update the target string by matching case with the source string. **/ void guess_filename_case(char *tgt, char *src) { int slen = strlen(src); int tlen = strlen(tgt); int case_char; int i; if (slen <= 0){ return; } for(i = 0; i < tlen; i++){ case_char = (i < slen)? src[i]: tgt[i-1]; tgt[i] = isupper(case_char)? toupper(tgt[i]): tolower(tgt[i]); } } void FreeFragHead(FRAGHEAD *f) { if (f){ if (f->start_keys){ list_free(f->start_keys); } if (f->end_keys) { list_free(f->end_keys); } free(f->offset_in_file); free(f); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Attempt to free a (null) FRAGHEAD.\n"); } } FRAGMENT * AllocFragment() { return (FRAGMENT *)calloc(1, sizeof(FRAGMENT)); } void FreeFragment(FRAGMENT *f) { if(f){ if (f->fraghead){ FreeFragHead(f->fraghead); } if (f->fragidx) { FreeFragIdx(f->fragidx); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Attempt to free a (null) FRAGMENT.\n"); } }